
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

             The American Dream, A Social Nightmare____
                                                        July 9, 2012
   There is a T.V. commercial that has be running for some time now that suggests if you invest your money with their company you can become a member of the “One Percent”; this…they say….is the American Dream.

   Let’s do a small comparison between the “One Percent” and all the other Citizens in this country and around the world. This is more than just an issue of the Haves & Have-nots…It’s about Control, Domination and Oppression. The American Dream is an illusion being sold to us at a price…a price that goes far beyond a mere dollar amount. The cost of this American Dream is Compliance.
   Compliance….It doesn’t really sound so bad, in fact, most people are taught to comply from birth and were it not for some compliance, the over-all social order would die-a-way. However, there is an astounding difference between compliance for the common good and compliance that results in servitude and exploitation. To attain the American Dream….you must surrender all to the “One Percent”.
  I guess that we should start by defining what this American Dream is. As the Dream differs from person to person, we should just put it in a general context and say that the American Dream equates to success in one form or another….Whether it’s owning your own home or business or putting you children through college; the Dream is said to be, your life’s major goal.
   Now…because the “One Percent” have created a system, whereas everything known to man is now a commodity, to be owned by some and sought out by many…where the profits of the few are more important than society as a whole, the only way to see your dream come true is to comply with the wishes of the most wealthy….as it is they, who set the agenda for the world.
   The agenda that the One Percent has set for the rest of the world, is a life time cycle of debt bondage…..Yes, the One Percent is not only willing to help you attain your dream…but are zealous even impatient for the chance to tie you down (forever) with the chain of a monthly finance charge….We have become over the last thirty years or so, a “Culture of Debt”. The issuance of debt has become the biggest business in the world.
  While there has always been a very real need for financing we, as a society, have moved from needing to finance something to a greedy Buy it Now society and this dear friends….is the reality of the world that we live in. The concepts of SAVING money to buy the things you dream of is beyond the understanding of most people today and the American Dream is now, more so than ever before, a social nightmare.    

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