
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Short Response

@ Mr. John F. Mertz....bless you Sir ! ! ! For a while now, I thought that I was the only person who grasp the over-all benefit of HEALTH to our society. And let there be no doubt....This Is Our Society and not the exclusive property of the "Corporation". The modern slogan, "People before Profits" is not a new concept developed by some dead-beat. This country has a long history of struggle....not so much from out-side attacks, but the struggle of "WE THE PEOPLE" against oppression from within. For almost one hundred years now...the terms job creation and growth, have been an aphrodisiac to the masses.... allowing big business to gain control of gaining control of people's minds. The concepts of "Sustainability" fall by the wayside as profits are the only goal. Job creation is not a product of industry...but merely an overhead, an be kept at a minimal or done away with entirely where possible. If corporations are allowed to RAPE this country of every last dime...The Victims...should at least be Entitled to receive the care they need for the suffering that they endure.---------Email

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