
Monday, July 16, 2012

Death of American Freedom

July, 16 2012

   For many years, my main focus was making money, I hope that doesn’t sound too cold, but as a very active participant in the American economic system, I understood that making money was the key ingredient for a successful and happy life, and as the main provider for my family it was my duty to make as much money as possible. This unfortunately, is the mind-set of the vast majority of people; not only in this country, but throughout much of the world……………It is also however, the killer of freedom.
  It is not so much the act of making money it’s self that destroys freedom, but rather the push by the very wealthy to control markets; “By any means necessary”. This is not a modern phenomenon. It has long been known that wealth equates to power and historically we can see that over time the Barons of Industry became the world’s modern royalty; withholding for themselves vast amounts of power through their control over governmental affairs. It is my hope that I may demonstrate within this essay some of the mechanisms used by the very rich to control the lives of billions of people throughout the world.

  As I write this, it occurs to me that I could have equally as well given this essay the title “The art of manipulation” for truly this is the principle issue behind the staggering loss of freedom seen in this country. Here are some of the incentives used persuade people to give up freedoms that are otherwise hard-one.

                        ~ FEAR ~
  I think that fear will always be one of the biggest motivators that people will confront throughout their lives. There are some very rapid physiological changes that occur when someone is afraid, all of which are on the opposite side of the spectrum from that warm fuzzy feeling that safety brings. By using fear, the elite are able to mold society and project it’s will upon many people at once.
  Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, the president of the United State G.H.W. Bush, convinced many Americans that the dictator of Iraq was building or had already built, weapons that could be used to attack this country or an ally, we now know that this was in fact not the case. At the time however, people were scared (and angry) and were willing to do what they saw as necessary to regain some measure safety. Thus we now have the Department of Homeland Security and all that it has become. Most of us easily remember the rights and freedoms enjoyed by citizens of this country before the 9/11 attacks and how the Patriot Act changed life for all of us. The most recent quailing of rights comes as the president of the United States now has the power to forego all rights to Due Process and place American citizens in a state of permanent detention without the need for a warrant of any kind, no court date, no hearings, and no habeas corpus. It is now supposed that there is such a risk to the security of this country that it is appropriate to remove the most basic and fundamental right that the United States constitution once offered. Never in the history of this country has the rights of an American citizen moved out from under the protections guaranteed by the constitution.
  This example has little to do with economics, but it is such a good illustration of how a very few people can control the majority, that I could not pass-up the opportunity to use it and put it first in this chapte
  One of the most interesting ways to convince a people to give up freedom is by making “Freedom” seem bad or evil and “Oppression” seem good. In this country, because of many years of manipulation, the concepts of individualism within our society have been replaced by individualism at the expense of society....that is to say, the social order is now ran by totalitarians that trick people into conforming to their wishes by using fear and a very abstract idea of security that is all powerful and, from what I can tell, is close a-kin to Adolf Hitler’s Germany.

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