
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Program For Economic Stability

                                                                      PROGRAM FOR ECONOMIC STABILITY
                                                           July 26, 2012

             Economic stability can only be accomplished 
                 if there is RELIABLE wealth redistribution               
                                                                                                                                                                         We, as Americans, have been indoctrinated for years with the false teaching that “Wealth Redistribution” is fundamentally evil. The practice of vilifying wealth redistribution permeates almost every aspect of our society….from our schools, and pulpits, to main-stream media; we are taught that the idea of moving wealth from the rich to the poor is bad…..very bad, even immoral. These teachings, when practiced, have a disastrous effect upon the over-all longevity of an economy as they remove the very means necessary for growth. Even if this practice were now to be reversed, there would still exist the need for a profound structural economic change. 
   Economic growth cannot occur if the vast majority of available wealth is Already concentrated and controlled by a small segment of society. In order for the rich or (anyone else) to profit off of society…..society must have in their possession, from the start, some measure of wealth to warrant economic development. To put it in the simplest terms…..Consumers do not exist if, they do not have the means to purchase goods produced by industry. The necessity of this economic fact can readily be seen throughout the world, as we move deeper and deeper into the abyss of economic recession.
   What is needed……is an economic structure that insures that the flow of wealth in society circulates and does not become overly concentrate in the hands of only a few. In order to achieve this, I suggest the following Program be implemented :
(1)                        THE END TO ALL TAXATION : The old and inadequate concepts of taxation  have, long ago, out lived there usefulness. What is needed, is to make government “self-funding” by nationalizing a few segments of the economy, namely; Banking, energy production & utilities and commercial real-estate. This will, in effect, make government a real partner in business and not a merely leach upon the society which it serves.
(2)                        WORKERS PAYED A LIVING WAGE : The minimum wage-rate needs to be set at the real cost of living using a national average of cost.
(3)                        NATIONAL PRICE FREEZE : In order for the economic reforms to be meaningful, there needs to be a price freeze for a limited time. This is necessary so that the buying power of the consumer has a real effect upon his personal wealth….this is one of the main issues that can otherwise deflate an economy.
(4)                        BAN ON ALL CORPORATE LOBBYISTS : Lobbyist should be forbidden from any contact with government officials what so ever.
(5)                        LIMITS ON CAMPAIGN FUNDING : Maximum limit of $1000.oo per person, corporation or group with full discloser, for all government campaigns.
  This program will have an over-all positive effect upon the economy for both labor and capital. While not “all-inclusive”; this is a significant and necessary first step in shifting a portion of wealth toward labor and thus the opportunity to create further economic development where there was before…….no money to do so.        

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