
Monday, July 16, 2012

The Slavery of Liberalism

                                 The Slavery of Liberalism
                                                        July, 15 2012      
   Most people, I think, would say off hand that Conservatism and Liberalism were, in the main, at odds with each other. There is no doubt that the two factions are always at each other’s throat….But they are by far, more closely in step ideologically than they would wish people to believe. While the Conservatives would take the hard-line stance against any governmentally funded social programs; preferring instead, that THE PEOPLE should find relief from the evils of capitalism through the Charity of the wealthy…..Liberals, however, are not so different in this respect, as they themselves are an enemy to Socialism; even though many of them would say otherwise……
  Liberals are a considerable threat to Revolutionary Socialism as they historically seek a compromise between the Conservative political parties and the very real needs of the People, offering The People no real freedom from oppression, but rather, some watered down form of “partial relief” by way of government hand-outs, but never, ever lessening the grip of Capitalism upon the masses, while in turn, placating to the Wealthy and the Corporations. It is in this strategy, that the Liberals find strength and support, not only from the wealthy, but from many of the uneducated poor. To gain a better understanding of the liberal strategy, we have to look no further than Obama Care; known correctly as the Affordable Care Act, (here after ACA) which was passed by the United States Congress and upheld by the United States Supreme Court. It is a first rate example of how Liberals always find a way to intertwine the needs of the people with the oppression offered by capitalist corporations.
    The over-all intent of the (ACA) is to provide health care to those who are in need..….and therefore; it would seem on its surface, to be a real benefit to the citizenry at large. This “Benefit” however comes with a large package of “Corporatism” that is of no benefit to anyone but the wealthy…..because of this fact, the ACA would most assuredly be strongly supported by many of the Conservatives…..were it not for the fact that the ACA is the brain-child of the Liberals.
   Instead of just giving the people the health care that they not only need, but deserve….the ACA is a scheme based upon Corporate Free-Market health insurance and allows for a subsidy to help the poor buy the insurance that they, on their own, could not pay for….the wealth get no such government assistance. It is easy to see that there is a margin of inequality built into the ACA, as well as the classic Liberal connection to corporate wealth. The built-in inequality is necessary to give the illusion that the Liberals care about the poor and the use of Free Market Corporate insurance gives them the financial support that they need from the wealthy. Once again, the poor are strapped to some big-money corporation as a way to supply their needs, in this way………..the Liberals and the Conservatives are much the same.
   This type of Liberal trickery is just as oppressive as any other form of Capitalism and a grave threat to the Socialist Revolution as is drains away,  through coercion, the exploited masses that would otherwise be among the ranks of the Revolutionaries. Obviously, this is not only bad for the revolution but further enslaves the poor. Even though they may not see it as slavery, the ACA requires that people to permanently tie themselves to Capitalism in order to meet their needs in the same way that they are tied to Capitalism for food, shelter and income. 

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